45north, in partnership with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, analyzed Romanian language social media data from Facebook, Twitter and Telegram for the first six months of 2022, data associated with the war in Ukraine. You can find the full report above, including the methodology applied to the analysis.
Jonáš Syrovátka
March 2023
January 2023
Michaela Ružičková & Monika Jakábová, Infosecurity.sk
January 2023
Goran Georgiev, Center for the Study of Democracy
January 2023
Tatiana Mindeková, EUROPEUM
The text was prepared in cooperation with Nikola Hořejš and Sarah Komasová (STEM).
November 30, 2022
By Jeremy Druker
Over the past few years, and especially since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, disinformation actors have found the EU's Green Deal great fodder for malign narratives.
The International Republican Institute (IRI)’s Beacon Project is launching a new expert comments series. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the IRI’s Beacon Project has been analyzing online media data from several Central and Eastern European Countries to track key narratives that have the potential to erode support for Ukraine. This tracking and mapping of meta narratives in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia is planned to continue through June 2023. More of our bi-weekly briefs can be
The International Republican Institute (IRI)’s Beacon Project is launching a new expert comments series. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the IRI’s Beacon Project has been analyzing online media data from several Central and Eastern European Countries to track key narratives that have the potential to erode support for Ukraine. This tracking and mapping of meta narratives in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia is planned to continue through June 2023.
Between April and September 2022, the IRI’s Beacon Project researched perceptions of European Green Deal on Facebook in a close collaboration with six partner organizations from Central and Eastern Europe. The research focused on media monitoring of the top 100 most interacted with Facebook posts of the month, published between 20 April and 20 September 2022.