The Hungarian electoral campaign was severely impacted by the war in Ukraine. The start of the political campaign was based on traditional narratives from Fidesz, mainly promoting the historic support they offered since 2010 to Transylvania, Fidesz’s financial support to families, subsidies for schools, and kindergartens.
Fidesz’s policies towards ethnic Hungarians will bring mandates – but not necessarily through mail-in votes from beyond the borders. Fidesz pursues a distinctive agenda when it comes to ethnic Hungarians in the neighboring countries. This agenda has a tradition, and Fidesz benefits as it increases votes coming from within Hungary.
Serbia is an important country for Hungarian national elections.
In 2021, IRI’s Beacon project supported initiative of the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (Serbia) contributing to the suppression of disinformation in the Serbian and regional public space. Research activities included a public opinion poll sounding perception of international actors and media content analysis of 11 Serbian mainstream online media and their coverage of international actors.
This paper introduces the available Facebook data to about the presence and prominence of hostile narratives that may have impacted Lithuania’s vaccination efforts. To do this a sample of significant public Facebook pages relevant to Lithuania were analysed to identify potential disinformation narratives that are more likely to be relevant to the Polish ethnic minority in Lithuania.
In case you missed our discussion on “Disinformation – common challenges facing Taiwan and the European Union”, we're pleased to offer the recording.
Thanks to all the speakers: Ambassador Ming-Yen TSAI, IRI President Daniel Twining and MEP Andrius Kubilius, Ivana Karásková (Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky/Association for International Affairs) and Ketty W. Chen
November 23, 2021